Barnabas Team

Serve to develop a new ministry for PBC adults (& youth/students) to encourage our children & student/youth/adults (& vice versa) as a “Barnabas”.

Barnabas was an encourager. In the Scriptures, he is singled out as a believer who encouraged other by his generosity (Acts 4:36-37). He encouraged Paul, and also played a critical role in encouraging John Mark, a young man who was deemed an unreliable failure by Paul because he had abandoned the first missionary journey (13:13). Barnabas wanted to take John Mark on the second missionary trip, but Paul refused, causing a severe break in their partnership (15:36-39).

Barnabas took a risk and gave John Mark a second chance, restoring him to effective ministry (2 Tim. 4:11). Without Barnabas, there might not have been the great theologian Paul, who wrote thirteen books of the New Testament, or Joh Mark who wrote the gospel of Mark.

Who has been a “Barnabas” to you by encouraging you, believing in you, and restoring you to wholeness and usefulness?

Will you be a Barnabas to someone who needs a fresh start?

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