Young Adult Life Group (20-40 years old)

WHAT:  Experience Christian Family Life together through fellowship, worship, bible study, discipleship, etc. 

WHO:  Couples, singles, parents, families, etc. will gather throughout each week, month, quarter, and/or year.

WHEN:  Gathering times
vary in this participant-led Family Life Group

(Wednesdays, week nights, weekends, you decide)

Events/Activities (works in progress)

January 21 - Sanctity of Life Baby Shower

February 21 - Life Group Begins - 6:30pm

March 10 - Sandwich Sunday (Sandwiches & Games)

April 14 - Sandwich Sunday

May 19 - Sandwich Sunday

May 25 - Sounds by the Sea Picnic (Jones Park)

June 9 - Sandwich Sunday

June 15 - Family Beach Day (Gulf Shores/Orange Beach?)

July 4 - Fireworks/Watermelon (Jones Park)

July 14 - Sandwich Sunday

August 11 - Sandwich Sunday

September 8 - Sandwich Sunday

Other - TBD


MS Aquarium

Biloxi Lighthouse

Red Bluffs (MS's Little Grand Canyon)

Ice Cream Socials

Birthday Celebrations

Biking/Hiking Trails


Football Tailgate Parties

Holiday Gatherings

Angola Prison Rodeo

Blue Angels Homecoming

Ministry Opportunities

Operation Christmas Child - collections & packing parties

Children's activities

Service Projects

Mission Trips

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